
Rivals: Britney Spears vs. Kylie Minogue

Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's time we got some Pop Royalty up in this bitch!

I've always thought Britney was more comparable to Kylie Minogue, though she definitely had Madonna's high level of controversy at all time... but in the end, I'd much prefer Britney be like Kylie 20 years into her career than Madonna. Keep it about the music and know when to stop pushing the envelope. 

Oh, yeah... let's refresh some of you newbies on our Rivals series so far!

Now this are going to get a little more serious in Rivals. The next few match-ups are going to cause a bit of a stir, but I'll let you see for yourselves when they come. 

Let's get started, shall we?

Round 1: Beauty & Sex Appeal

In her prime, Britney was the sexiest human being on the planet. Every move she made sent a new wave of boys and girls into premature puberty. It didn't matter whether she was doing the tango with a python, or walking down the sidewalk in her short-shorts, smoking a cancer-stick. It was sexy as fuck. People love the way Britney looks because it's a very realistic beauty. She doesn't look like a Barbie. She doesn't look extremely made up. She's just a pretty girl with a great smile, long flowing extensions, a banding beach bod and hot air balloon tits. 

Kylie actually has a similar beauty.  However, Kylie has aged like an immortal goddess. Her skin is just as glowing, crystal clear and tight as it was in 2000. Britney turned 30 and looked every year of it. It's not a bad thing, and of course Britney still looks amazing when she wants to.

If Britney stood next to Kylie Minogue right now, I'd probably guess that Kylie was older, but I wouldn't hesitate in saying Kylie was far more stunning than Britney. She has great style and a heart melting smile that just oozes true happiness.

I don't think Britney will look like this at 44. I'm just saying. Score 1 for Kylie.

Expertise from Courtney at PunchBowlBlog

Kylie set fashion trends in the 80s and continues to do so now, Didn't Beyonce steal one of her costumes for her tour?

Round 2: Longevity

Kylie Minogue proved long ago that it's not always going to be about selling a millions albums, or having a number one hit. She truly seems to be into making records for the sake of giving her fans great, quality music. She's stuck around for 25 years without ever truly having "flopped." Even at her career low in sales, Impossible Princess, she managed to get certified. 

Britney's been around for about 15 years. The longer she sticks around and less interested she looks in the things going on around her, the less I'm convinced I am that she wants to stick around as long as Kylie. I actually wouldn't mind it, either. I'd rather Britney have a massive farewell album and tour that goes down in history as opposed to continue to release half-promoted albums and embark on zombie tours. I will admit she's "getting better," but the rate is so slow, most of her ADHD fans won't be able to pretend to be content with it anymore. I'm sure Britney's core fanbase will keep her relevant, but not as largely as Madonna's fans or even Kylie's fans have.

Expertise from Denver at ElectroLov3.com
"I feel like Britney is going to become this grand recluse and just go away. She seems totally content just raising her kids. Will her handlers let her go? That should be the real question."

Judging from their current states, I have to give this round to Kylie, no matter how much it hurts!

Round 3: Sales & Accolades

One of Britney's greatest achievements is that she was the greatest selling female artist of her peak decade. If you've ever tried to compare another artist to Britney, one of her fans surely showed up in your Twitter mentions spitting sales figures at your like a rabid llama. 

Kylie has a good ten years in the industry on Britney, but hasn't sold nearly as many records. 

Britney's also pretty far ahead of Kylie in the more popular accolades. Aside from them both having one Grammy Award a piece and Kylie outdoing Britney at the Brit Awards, Britney has quite the lead in MTV Awards, NRJ Awards, Billboard Awards and most other music related awards.

Kylie would, however, beat Britney out in "most beautiful" or "most stylish" lists, but that's a lot less relevant. Not even Kylie's OBE is enough to keep up with Britney's astounding ability to crank out hits and sell records.

The Sales and Accolades Round Goes to Britney! 

Round 4: Star Power

Kylie's star power is probably underrated. Being in the industry for 25 years is a feat in itself. You have to have majorly loyal fans for that. Plus, I still see Kylie on TV, going on tour, releasing music and causing hype wherever she goes.

But unfortunately she's up against Britney who was once the most powerful celebrity on the planet, according to Forbes. Her fans shut down sites from Billboard to MTV. She's broken records because she sold so many singles and albums at once.

There's really no competition here.


Round 5: Talent

One thing about being a Britney stan is that you constantly get dragged because Britney "can't sing" and "doesn't write" her hits. You hear it time and time again...  but realistically, Britney's voice is pretty versatile. Be that as it may, Britney's fans don't go to her shows to hear her sing live. They go to see her walk around and stomp really hard bust out hardcore Janet Jackson style choreography. Plus, the production of Britney's live performance seem to be over-the-top and beautiful.

Kylie, on the other hand, is quite pleasant live. She's still putting on huge, beautiful productions, but there's a lot more focus on her songs instead of the stage.

Let's cut the shit. Britney, in her prime, is one of the greatest performers ever. She has the stage presence rivaled by very few. No one since she's come out has been able to dance like her and still crank out music that people want to listen to. She'll go down in history for her performances, videos and hot music. It's a massive advantage of Kylie.

That said, Kylie's a great singer, but she's not known for having the most astounding pipes. I think these two are pretty similar, but Britney's ability to put on a show, even when she's just flipping her weave.

Round 5 goes to Britney and I think we have our winner!

Alright. Into the comments with you! Let us know how you feel about this showdown!

Also coming this week is J.Lo vs. Shakira!


  1. couldn't agree more but... hope you're wrong with your predictions about britney's future in music industry, even if i also think it's the most possible option

  2. I agre 100% I hope Britney take care of how she looks tbh

  3. that line about Kylie's breasts is a bit insensitive, especially considering the fact that she battled with breast cancer...

    1. I have to agree with this. I know this is all in fun. but Kylie DID battle breast cancer. And I personally have to commend her for never getting breast implants. Good to know that some people arent trying to sell music with their looks. But other than that, this Rival match was pretty spot on.

    2. I'm actually removing this line from the post. That completely went over my head. Thanks for bring it to my attention. -Martian

  4. Britney Spears! Her cultural impact is just big and Kylie can't compete with that. Kylie is great tho.

  5. I love Kylie and Britney the same I think.

  6. I hope Britney sticks around for a long time. These last three albums are examples that the public still supports and loves her <3

  7. I love Kylie and I love Britney. I do hope Britney's career somehow manages to be like Kylie's over Madonna's as well. I agree with Britney winning and I'm hoping that somehow there will be someone of X Factor who is so amazing that it will give Britney the will to kick ass the way she used to back in the day, at least for just one more era. Btw I LOVED this match-up one of my faves thus far because you really didn't know which way it would go.

  8. Hmm! Pretty much as accurate as it could be!

  9. I love Kylie! but Britney Spears is so much better IMO and she has something that I can't get enough!

  10. Kylie in my opinion is better than Britney. I LOOVE Britney. But everything you said is about her prime, her prime. You can't just focus on her prime. Right now Kylie wins, if it's about their primes, Britney wins. But since her prime, Britney's getting weaker, but Kylie's getting better. better music, better performances, bigger fan base. So Kylie deserves to win.

    1. I disagree because Britney's music still sells better in just about every aspect. It's because she put in so much work during her prime.

    2. quality =/= quantity.

      Besides you know that if this was recent times britney would lose, you only talked about her prime to make her win.

    3. oh... you can't compare Kylie's records with Britney's, becoz Britney's studio productions are far BETTER. She just keep reinventing pop music and Kylie actually can't bring anything new, Considering Kylie's recent singles, she just can't help herself singing like Madonna. Plus, Britney's voice is timeless, whatever time she releases her music, she can keep herself on top of the industry.

  11. should be madonna vs. kylie, tbh.

  12. I think the last round should go to Kylie. I'm neither a big fan of Britney (once I was one in some way) nor of Kylie, but "Talent" should be sought above all in being able to sing live and in putting up a big show worth the ticket price.

    Britney MAYBE once sang live but now is a kind of piece of wood that is only able to jump around on the album version of "...Baby One More Time" that uses the same voice as when she was 17 years old. On the other side Kylie is able to create shows with beautiful scenographies and she is able to sing really good live!

    I agree with what you said about her dedication to music in the last years but you can't judge two singers in two different ways.
    Let's face the issue rationally: to say that Britney has talent is a really big mistake, at most HER TEAM has the talent to build on her only in order to make more money!!
    And above all, to say that "Britney's fans do not go to her shows to hear her sing live [but] they go to see her walk around and stomp really hard" may be true but spending money to see a once-I-was-a-singer woman lip-syncing all her songs while walking around is real sad in my opinion.

    1. though Britney lip syncs, she's able to ''project'' her voice in different ways which is just what Kylie can't do, Britney success in creating a versatile, brittle and sweetened voice.

    2. Maybe Kylie isn't "projecting" her voice because she's too busy actually SINGING. Obviously Britney fans would take a lip-sync Britney over Kylie any day but at least admit you're biased.

  13. I Think Kylie should have won the "talent" thing.
    Come on, i'm a big fan a Brit but please. She had talent, now she losts everything. I've seen her live and right now she just still stand singing in playback! She was one of the greatest dancers in the showbiz, now what have we? nothing babe!
    I'm sorry but have you ever gone or seen a Kylie Show? What about the Showgirl Homecoming? And what about The Aphrodite - Les Folies? Are better than any Britney tour!

    Kylie 3 - Britney 2

    1. Came in here just to say this. Kylie should take the "Talent" portion for her phenomenal stage shows, her live singing, and her occasional foray into operatic singing. As much as I love Britney's music, she hasn't done anything that impressive in years.

  14. Britney's star power reigns supreme even today. In an age where all the pop megastars of yesteryears are turning to talent contests as a career boost she ranks the highest paid. That speaks volume! Her and her name are associated with ratings gold. Just ask MTV. Meaning Britney is still relevant and America is still interested. This isn't just about her prime, she continues to set records, and set standards.

    1. Well, the only difference is that Britney needed a career boost by doing reality shows, and Kylie never did, as her career always been non stop success for 25 years now. That to me is the higher standard. Britney doing a reality show is as sad as if Madonna will too. That's why the comparison here should be between Madonna and Kylie. Britney is in a lower league in my opinion.

  15. @badlildube You're late. Mariah's pay for American Idol is higher than Britney's.

    1. Guess I am, but only better proves my point that Britney set's standards.

  16. Both great Icons but honestly The only music royalty member is Britney Spears. Another thing i love britney talent but Kilye is much talented, in my opinion.

  17. I mostly agreed with your assessment until round 5. The TALENT round goes to Britney? I love them both, but Kylie IS the superior singer, she is a stronger vocalist than she is often given credit for, is a frequent writer on her songs, she sings live, and puts on a hell of a concert. The emphasis is not on songs alone, there are killer costumes, special effects, and dancers (not to mention live singing). If the round had just been for performance skills, I could see one favoring Britney since her stage shows are amazing too, but the round was called talent.

    1. dancers? wtf? Britney can dance while Kylie can't.

  18. I pretty much agreed with everything until "More focus on her songs instead of the stage"? Seriously?!?! Have you even been to a Kylie concert? Her concert production is second to none, everything from the music to the stage to the lighting to the choreography to her 100% live vocals is flawless (On A Night Like This: http://youtu.be/FhHxPal4RbA) Kylie gets up on stage and actually looks like she wants to be there and makes it a party, with or without dancers she commands the stage (I Should Be So Lucky: http://youtu.be/Nhf9IDpuO2Y).

    You need to acquaint yourself with Kylie if you think she hasn't got a set of pipes. She's not a Mariah/Whitney/Celine and she doesn't need to be, she knows how to use what she's got and it is stunningly beautiful. (Confide In Me: http://youtu.be/zg2cSnVs5Tk) I Believe In You: (http://youtu.be/l6s8W7tWfuY)

  19. This was pretty fair. Im a Britney stan, and never really seen Kylie , EVER. but reading it, and seeing why she lost the first 2 rounds was pretty fair. I like this.

    100% correct. :D

  20. Well there is always a bitter heart whenever their faves lose. Next!

  21. Love both and for me both are winners

  22. Britney Spears is the best.

  23. Sorry, with all due respect to Britney, and i'm a fan of both, but Kylie is far superior to Britney when it comes to Talent!!! Kylie writes some of her songs and deeply involved in the productions of her music and albums, she sings 100% live in all her concerts and is fully in control over the productions and arts of her shows, she can actually dance too... and you'll be surprised but from a music teacher point of view, Kylie has a better range of vocals than Britney. Someone even did a more professional research on Kylie's voice and posted an impressive video report on it on youtube, look for it by the title: "Kylie Minogue - Vocal Range [D3 - A6] 3.5 Octaves", and you'll be amazed to hear that she can actually sing opera live (around 9:50 minutes to the video)!!!! Britney can't sing live even if you put a gun to her head.
    Talent definitely goes to Kylie, and now we have the winner!

    1. ^didn't have to say anything. This comment says it all

  24. I think that anyone outside of a certain age group in the USA would think this result ridiculous.

  25. Wrong answer, Kylie is most certainly the winner.

  26. Well, the only difference is that Britney needed a career boost by doing reality shows, and Kylie never needed that, as her career always been non stop success. That to me is the higher standard.

  27. LOL!!! Poor Britney... Even by most comments here she lost the talent title.

  28. Huge Britney fan and it's good that she won... But somehow i really feel Kylie should have won this

    The talent thing. Seen Kylie in concert once and she pretty much blew me away... 100% live from beginning to end and a stage presence that i haven't seen in any US star

    Not a big fan of her music, but the girl is talented.

    If Kylie was as big as britney and madonna in the US their record sales would have been pretty close i guess...

  29. This performance of last weekend X Factor Finale kinda shows how good a singer she actually is... Great performance


  30. Kylie should win "talent" based on her always live singing at concerts, her warm and engaging interaction with audiences, and her song writing (especially on Impossible Princess), while Britney is the better dancer. So that's 3-1 for Kylie.

  31. you are stupid
    kylie is the best nobody can compete with her

  32. Pfttt What a joke! Nuff said, what a waste of my 5min in time life!

  33. The fact there is people out there who think Britney has talent shows how messed up the world is. Britney is a good ENTERTAINER, whoever, she is nowhere near talented. She never sings live for god's sake.



  35. Мудаки) Кали зэ бэст!

  36. La la la, la la la la la
    I Just can't get you out of my head

    Do you remember? La la la...

  37. WHAT WAS THAT???
    Britney sing live???
    Didn't think so! "Lipsync 4 ya life!" actually!
    Double-track on live performances is not live performance.
    It's not a good quality of singer, it's a bad joke with her fans, who goes to her shows!

  38. Britney beats Kylie in the talent portion? Is it April Fools? I'm all about both women, they've both cut killer tracks and have both had some unforgettable, iconic moments throughout their careers to warrant their superstar status. But the bottom like is simple: Britney doesn't sing live. Where is the argument? Because in her (short-lived) prime she danced well? No. Seriously. Kylie sings all shows 100% live, she writes killer tracks ("Love At First Sight" anyone?") and she holds her own as a dancer when called on to do so. Kylie WINS the talent round. No question.

  39. Hahaha you made me laugh, Britney more talented? I love the girl, but the one thing that made her big besides her sex appeal back in the day was that she could dance to her lip-synced songs, but she can't even do that this days, she was an amazing performer but now she just looks awkward...so no talent there, and if you put them side by side now, Britney looks older...I think you got stuck in 1999-2002 and even then Kylie was superior, *cough Fever cough*

  40. I have to agree with most of the comments on here, how can Britney win the talent section over Kylie who writes songs, puts on amazing shows and sings live. I saw Britne in her peak and was so disappointed, I would go as far as to say it was the worst concert I've ever been to. This was because she didn't sing live except for the first verse and chorus of Everytime, I have to say she sounded like a sheep.

  41. Britney is a legend with a mindblowing cultural / iconic impact. Nobody can compete with Britney's star power.. Kylie is a flop, who is around for 25 years but nobody cares her..




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