
Coming Soon: MartianTV Holiday Giveaway

Sunday, December 9, 2012
 Happy Holidays!

We've had a really great year thanks to all of the support from the people who read our blog, especially the people who visit daily! To show our appreciation, we're going to host a much bigger contest than usual with prizes that we know will brighten up your holiday!

The theme this year will be Martian Santa Claus!
Starting Tuesday and continuing through Friday, there will be a chance to have Martian Santa send you a special holiday gift... and I'm not talking an iTunes single this year! Our prizes are much bigger and better than any previous contest.

How To Win:
You must be following our Twitter page.
  • Each day at 6:00am (CST) we will add a new blog post titled "Martian Santa Clause: Day 'X'." 
  • The post will contain a special #hashtag that you will then tweet to our Twitter page.
  • You objective is to get as many people to ReTweet that status as possible before 10:00 pm (CST)
We don't care what your tweet says, as long as it has the hashtag and you mention our Twitter handle (@MartianTV). We also don't care how you convince people to ReTweet your status. You can go around begging on forums, convince your grandparents to join Twitter, or if you're smart you'll get one of your popular Twitter friends to help you out!
 We Have A Few Rules:
By law, we must require that all participants be at least 13 years of age. Any contest winner 13 - 18 must have the consent of their legal guardian before we can send any of the prizes out. 

Do not create fake Twitter accounts to win. We will actually be reviewing these tweets to make sure none of you cheat. 

Some prizes may be limited to US participants only, but this will be made clear in each post.

and now... PRIZES BITCHES!
Day 1: Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday Gift Set
Includes: 1 Pink Friday Fragrance + Gift Bag (with something special inside)
Day 2: Ke$ha's Warrior Fan Kit
Includes: 1 Physical Copy of Warrior [Deluxe], 1 Ke$ha Holiday Ornament, 1 Ke$ha "Party Animal" Poster

Day 3: Britney Spears iTunes Discography + More
Includes: Britney Spears iTunes Discography, "More" items TBD 
Day 4: Lady Gaga Fame Gift Set
Includes: Fame Fragrance Gift Set + Vanity Box (with something special inside)

Get ready! Tuesday is not too far away!



  1. Noooooo. I follow every post of this blog, though am not capable of participating in the contest. I have no Twitter acount. fml.

    1. Solution: Make a Twitter account. It takes seconds.

    2. I'll be your first Twitter follower!! :)

    3. Hihi thanks boo! <3
      Sorry let me rephrase, I am capable of it. my previous post was just lazy haha.
      I actually have a twitter account, its just not active I just never tweet and only follow celebs. And dont want people to make them follow me and the next day spam them with a contest. there are hardly any people in my community that use twitter anyway. Its not that popular in my country haha. I know there are ways around. I could post it on fansites and stuff, but Im not going to do that. Not that passionate and dont want to spam everywhere haa. I hoped for a like and share thing on fb and then randomly pick someone. or a quizz on twitter with fastest responds. or a write contest about why you so desperately want the present. and then miraculously win Gagas fame package. But I get yaa! No biggie. Im just pressed. :')
      Nice presents though! And nice initiative. lovee

  2. Cry cry cry I live in the UK :(

  3. and i live in germany! :((

  4. My Twitter handle is @idanladd found at https://twitter.com/iDanLadd :)

    So, whoever gets the most retweets wins the prize for that day?

  5. I literally check the blog for updates every 5 hours, but I'm pretty sure I won't win anything :( How fucking awesome would it be for me to win Day 4 :D !!! my twitter is @thedarkjosh btw ^^

    1. You have a few days to figure it out.

  6. That Pink Friday set is mine!!!!!!! Back of b*tches.

  7. You kidding??? I live in southamerica!!!and read this daily

    1. You can still win some things )

  8. hey martian....ive had ppl retweet my original tweet, but i've had people also tweet like this
    does this still count? because i have like 4 or 5 RT's like this




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