
Best Co-Star For T he ARTPOP's 'Telephone' Continuation?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ARTPOP is on it's way and the good news is just rolling in with this album. The latest? A "Telephone" continuation is in the works. Gaga confirmed to a fan on Twitter that the story would continue. 

The question is, will it include Beyoncé? As of now, it's only speculation, but we can't ignore the fact that Beyoncé is formulating some major promotion a la the Superbowl and X-Factor UK. Now I'm certainly not opposed to Beyoncé co-starring in the next installment, I'm just praying they don't use her Matthew Knowles-taught budgeting skills or "borrowing" habits.

Since Bey isn't confirmed for the role, let's figure out who'd be a suitable replacement!

Katy Perry

I mean, she can't vacation forever, right? She's eventually going to come back for with a lust for more Hot 100 #1s, and what's a better pre-album promotional single than one with Lady Gaga on lead? (That's a rhetorical question for all of you Gaga haters.) I'd love to see Katy all dress up in her California Girls candy costume, murdering bitches and dancing her ass off.

Nicki Minaj 

I've been waiting on this collaboration for ages, and I really don't think it's out of the question. If Nicki Minaj doesn't get a #1 soon, he stans are probably going to self-destruct. I wish Nicki hadn't played B.o.B's shrink, because I'd love for her to play Gaga's crazy psychotherapist that gets corrupted hearing Gaga's stories and goes on a man-hunt with her.

Azealia Banks 

A lot more likely than the Nicki Minaj collabo, I can totally see Azealia playing a bounty hunter who you think is following Gaga, but when Gaga is getting ready to strike her latest victim, Banks swoops in and saves the victim, only to kill him herself. The video could end with the same hand-holding as the original "Telephone" video as they run off together. BFFs!

Britney Spears

Who's down for Britney busting out her old wigs from "Toxic" and "Womanizer" and leading some men on... to their death? *Raises hand* Though it's more likely that Britney would just walk behind Gaga through the whole video and talk about how cool and awesome everything was, maybe a little dance competition will get Britney to actually use her feet while she's dancing. 

Who do you think Gaga should meet up with in the next installment of "Telephone?" Let us know in the comments.


  1. love all the possibilities... its gonna be a hot track.

  2. Britney. but shes the Good gal, and she battles Gaga.

  3. xtinaaaaaaaaaa or Natalia killlssssssss

    1. Get some tastes that matter or stop breathing.

  4. damn, the britney shade, and from a britney stan himself
    i'm not saying she hasn't slacked on the dancing, but you could've said something a little more insightful.

    a britney and lady gaga would slay, whether or not the song was good or not, but i hope britney holds out on it.
    too much of a legend for ARTPOP right now tbh

  5. if Azealia make it i will be sooo sad. lets just let the whole gaga story die now and keep the true artists like Azealia out of it :)))

  6. I can't imagine the song, though.

  7. it's either Brit or Azealia.

  8. I bet people said the same thing about all the artists involved in Lady Marmalade.




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