
Beyonce's Top 3 Moment Stealing Moments

Saturday, February 11, 2012

If there's anything that impresses me more than the outstanding quality of her music, it's her uncanny ability to come out of nowhere and shine like the sun when someone else is supposed to be bursting back on the scene. Here are the top 3 incidents where Beyoncè pretty much ruined the promotional trail for an artist.

3. #KanyeShrug

Ok, so she totally didn't mean for this to happen, but I'll be damned if she didn't one of the all-time greatest PR recovery moments in the history of the universe. Beyoncé was up against Taylor Swift and some other forgettable videos for some award at the VMAs. All of that is unimportant. What I remember is Kanye storming the stage when Taylor's video won over "Single Ladies" (which is what everyone else wanted to do). It was epic and beautiful. He mine as well have punched her in the throat and told her to have a fucking seat. Later on that evening when Beyoncé did pick up an award, she allowed Taylor Swift to give some boring speech... just to make sure that people remembered her over Kanye. Genius. 

2. I'm Not Holding My Belly Because I Ate Too Much Popeyes. 

This night what pretty much a Britney Spears fan's nightmare, and Beyoncé can take 100% of the blame. A night that was supposed to leading up to honor one of the millenniums most powerful and progressive pop video vixes (Britney), turned into a baby shower for the then questionably pregnant Beyoncé. Before the show even started, Beyoncé dropped a bomb that was more talked about than anything since Gaga bled to death or whatever. Later on in the show after a snooze-fest tribute to Spears, Cuecardney just pretty much said, "Thanks for this award, but here's Beyoncé! Yay y'all!"

1. Kelly Rowland: "Why Don't You Love Me, Bey?

I couldn't believe this happened. Literally the day after Kelly Rowland released her music video for "Commander," which had been extremely hyped in the blog world, Beyoncè comes out of nowhere and drops a video just because she can. Even shadier is the fact that Beyoncé had, just a month before, wrapped up her "I Am..." tour and her label announced there would be no more singles. Yes, I do think that the shade was unintentional, and I doubt Beyoncé did this to purposefully steal the attention from Rowland, but it still happened. It was Beyoncé's best video of the era too, with MTV naming it one of the best videos of the year. 

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