
Marina Says, 'Nicki Minaj Is Unbearable' - Did She Lie?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ouch! Marina (& the Diamonds) isn't known for taking shots at singers, but she's definitely an outspoken girl. Still, no one was expecting the hard right hook she threw at pop-rapper Nicki Minaj, calling her "Unbearable" on Twitter.

Now I've been a Nicki Minaj fan since about 2009 when I first heard her rap "Itty Bitty Piggy." I may have been a bit late to the party, but I became an avid Minaj follower up until about midway through her Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded era where it seems like she kind of gave up. In all honesty I'm still not sure which songs were singles and which ones weren't. There were so many songs for singles that were never officially released, it became hard to keep track. Believe that I had high hopes, and did enjoy the album for the most part, but my expectations weren't met in the least. 

There was a lot of controversy in the hip-hop community following the release of pop singles
"Starships" and "Pound the Alarm." Maybe Minaj felt pressured to do more to impress hip-hop critics. I just don't understand why that means she felt the need to give pop fans the cold shoulder. I can't tell you how many times I've ranted about how successful "Va Va Voom" could have been. Instead of promoting it, she just jumped straight into The Re-Up. Though it was more critically acclaimed than her previous release, it was hardly any less contrived and was probably even more gimmicky. 

Still, I don't find Minaj unbearable. Just watching her try to promote music that will obviously be less successful is insufferable. Call me shallow, but fans will always support good music, but there's a point in promotional singles. There's got to be a balance between giving the fans what they want and also pleasing the general public. 


  1. I think you've just explained the problem. Two separate, totally conflicting, fanbases want more pop and hip-hop. One doesn't work with the other.

    Gimmick is what she does. The entire persona is based on that. Remove makeup, features and budgets and then we'll have the original. We'll see if her "pop" fanbase like her then.

  2. Why would she lie, unless she wants people to think she hates her when she really doesn't?
    And is that gif even her?

    1. It's Vanessa from the Saturdays ...

  3. I think she called her unbearable because she saw her on American Idol. And she's quite umbereable there!

  4. in all honesty... i don't know who this chick is.. sooo her opinion does not matter.




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