
Why I Don't Trust Shit Rolling Stone Says

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I will always appreciate Rolling Stone's contribution to pop culture, but sometimes they are so full of piss... and they end up chopping it up to be some ridiculous fan poll but don't add any input themselves. It's almost as sad as MTV and Yahoo! being completely run by stans and relying on shady, unfunny tactics to try and regain their music-loving audience.

For example, they just released their list of "favorite dancing musicians," but they ignored the fuck out of some of the most entertaining artist of this generation and generations past.

Their list: 
Rock, hip-hop, R&B and pop all evolved out of music designed for dancing, and so it should come as no surprise that many of the greatest musicians of all time happen to be world class dancers. With this is mind, we asked our readers to name their favorite dancing musician of all time. Here are the results.
10. Thom Yorke
9. Nicole Scherzinger
8. Janet Jackson
7. Madonna
6. Prince
5. Lady Gaga
4. Mick Jagger
3. James Brown
2. Britney Spears
1. Michael Jackson

Maybe they should have named this list "Our Most Entertaining Performers" instead of "Dancing Musicians." In this case, the absence of Chris Brown and Ciara are almost chilling. Not to mention Janet Jackson's questionable placement in the bottom half of this list while her wildly sexual successor Britney Spears is close to taking down Michael Jackson. I just don't get it. Where have all of the well thought out opinions gone in these major editorials? Why are they making everything a race to see who can get the most fans to vote? 


Anywho, if this list had come from the blog, it'd have been a lot different, starting with the addition of Beyonce, who is easily one of the most fun-to-watch artist ever, and Usher (or Justin Timberlake, depending on what mood I'm in that day). Gaga has to go. Madonna has to go. Prince doesn't really dance, but he's mesmerizing on stage, so I'd have to move him to the back. If Nicole Scherzinger is allowed to be in the top 10 anything, so does Ciara. 

How do you think this list should have went?


  1. dancing musicians seems pretty accurate since everyone on the list plays/played an actual instrument.
    also "most entertaining performers" has been done to death and is ridiculously subjective.

    thom yorke making the list at all is giving me lolz for days. i feel like the readers were trolling just because they had the option, but i love that.

    and how dare you tug at prince's majestic mane...!
    have you not seen the "i would die 4 u/baby i'm a star" video...?!
    you betta get the full fuck in:


    even in his recent concerts he's still some moves--and this is after he had a hip replacement due to all those years he spent wearing heels.

  2. I don't trust Billboard, I'm still bitter about Blackout.

  3. Sorry....Gaga and Madonna deserve to be there....they are fantastic dancers. Everyone cant make a top ten list. Having a top ten doesnt necessarily discount the talents of other great dancing musicians. JLO should have taken the place of Nicole though. Britney Spears has only made it on the list because of her past work...she clearly cant dance as she used to.

  4. Dance genre and no Rihanna? #nosense

    1. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they're talking about people who can dance, don't you dare to mention Rihanna

    2. This has nothing to do with the music it's about actual dance ability and all Rihanna can do is hand gestures around her crotch area. #makessense

  5. Hahahaha Billboard is a mess, every since they changed the rules and stopped Britney from getting that #1 w/ the greatest pop album of all time I stopped taking them completely serious. Ciara DEFINITELY deserves to be on this list. And I'd put Jessica or Kimberly (the lesser known PCD's) on this list before Nicole, Beyonce is a great entertainer but idk if she's an amazing "DANCER." Usher definitely deserves to be on this list as well as Chris Brown. I agree with Britney being on this list (regardless of what she does now) you have to admit back in her prime she kept up with her back up dancers, even putting some to shame, Janet should be higher on this list, and I could go on. Oh and Gaga doesn't deserve to be on the list as well as Madonna. Though great performers they're not "dancers" in my opinion.

    1. Ok, but this is about Rolling Stone, so...

  6. wtf is everyone talking about...?!
    it's a readers poll--not even a real article--of favorite dancing musicians.
    not "best", not "most entertaining" or talented.
    it's not even a qualitative argument, just a game of "pick your fave!"

    all this list proves is that the majority of rolling stone (not billboard) readers like these performers who can technically play instruments and have danced publicly at some point in their career.

    respond accordingly

  7. They rated Roman Reloaded higher than 21.

    Nuff said.

  8. Gaga a DANCING musician? LMFAOOOOOOOOO

    1. U seem pressed.....go try to do the choreography for ALL of Gaga's songs, particularly Judas and Schibe and then you can talk.

  9. Madonna's an amazing dancer though. Have you seen Vogue from the Sticky and Sweet Tour? and Girl Gone Wild and I'm Addicted? yeah she's not as good as ciara or beyoncé, but she's 54 years old and she can outdance gaga, britney, rihanna, katy.




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