
Miley Looking An Out-Of-Shape Trashy Butch Mess

Sunday, December 9, 2012

 She was supposed to be the next Britney... 

Ugh, just look at this mess.


  1. MILEY NOOOOOOOOO...i wanted a sexy, slutty, britney-esque era. im NOT down with this look. when did she get so chunky? ugh no..

  2. Everybody was complaining about shes being so thin lately, that she took the Xtina aproach and now She loves her body! LMAO!

    Well this could be the 2007 Britney! Maybe she will release her Blackout... She almost shaved her head...

  3. She looks fine. Although I am a bit surprised because she slimmed down a lot a few months ago. People complained about that and now they're complaining about her little gain. She can never win.

    I would worry more about why she cut all her hair off... not digging the look at all.

  4. I didn't say she was fat... she's just looking out of shape.




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