
Review: Lana Del Rey's Perfect 'Paradise'

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lana Del Rey is breathtaking in every aspect. From her sexy and perfectly sculpted figure, to her California hipster style and her suicide-centric tunes, there doesn't seem to be much she can do wrong... except pull of a live performance convincing enough to show she isn't a studio artist, but that's a debate for a different time.

When Born to Die dropped, I was eager to pounce on the over-hyped indie American Apparel looking Duffy-wannabe, branding the album with 7 out of 10 stars and question the longevity of an album that wallowed in angst. Especially in a world previously dominated by Amy Winehouse, Duffy and lastly Adele. Though it was clear that Lana would probably never (or at least not immediately) achieve great mainstream success, I think I judged this album as such. The 7 should have been so much more. Born to Die is one of the 3 albums released this year that I can still listen to from track one and all the way through the bonus tracks.

Paradise is hardly different. It doesn't really show growth, but as a bonus EP for fans, I don't think it's quite necessary for Lana to be trying to change up her sound and image just yet. Songs like "Ride" and "Body Electric" could be thrown into any part of Born to Die easily. In fact, you could probably put the two albums on a party shuffle and not really know which track came from which release... but again, that's not a bad thing considering there isn't a single bad track on either.

Stand out tracks are the H&M theme "Blue Velvet," a revised and more profound version of "National Anthem" titled "American" and a song that will make the fine hair on the back of your neck stand up, "Bel-Air." "Blue Velvet" is extremely nostalgic of the 50s, borrowing just the right amount from the original composition to off-set the moodiness of Lana's vocals. "American," which is my favorite track in her catalog, has actual radio potential and will hopefully become a sleeper hit. "Bel-Air" is haunting and borders eerie, but in a beautiful way. 

The EP is also full of great tweet-worthy/facebook status-worthy one-liners like, "Be young. Be dope. Be proud" or "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola."

My only complaint would be that this is probably the limit for this sound I'd want for Lana. Even if she was to release another album as good, but with the same sound... It would probably just be sad and annoying. The upside for this is that she's already mentioned that her new album will be different, more musical and more "California." Hopefully by that she means warm.

Paradise, though fresh, is already lingering near the top of my list of "Best Albums of 2012." The only thing she could have done is give me one more album like "America" or "National Anthem."

(9 Out of 10 Stars)


  1. Wonderful review! Paradise is probably my favorite album of the year... it's got no flaws!

    Is the highest rating you've given an album this year?

  2. couldn't have said that better. the record has a whole harmony and not a single failure track, even though i think i still prefer much more the demo version of "yayo".

  3. she ruined the original version of yayo

  4. agreed that its one of the best albums of the year. Lana has blown me away, in the best way possible.

  5. she is perfection. we are not worthy.

  6. I thought Lana was taking a break from/quitting the music industry after this re-release? Did she mention a new album? (I like, but don't follow LDR so I may be out of the loop.)

  7. I do not see the appeal of LDR... at all.

  8. why do you make this sound like a new album?

    the title of the album is "Born To Die- The Paradise Edition"

    it's basically an extension, why would she go in a new direction for an extended version of BTD?

    1. That's one of the points in the review...

  9. Ride - flawless
    American - cute song, the chorus is amazing
    Cola - the best song of the album, the bridge slays me
    Body Electric - this was the song i was most looking forward to, the instrumental is AMAZING, but the vocals on the 'we get down' part piss me off,it's too high and whiny i wish shed sang it like she sings it live, ugh
    Blue Velvet - her vocals in this are beautiful but feels like a filler to me,idk
    Gods & Monsters - love this song so much, possible tied with cola for the best song, the instrumental is so good and the 'fuck yeah give it to me' is just unf
    Yayo - very indifferent on this one, prefer the demo tbh, a bit to echo-ey
    Bel Air - overall a bit boring to me, but i like her vocals in the chorus, i agree it isa bit eerie
    Burning Desire - loved it from the second I heard it

  10. You didn't even mention the beautiful "Yayo". The fragility and crackle in her voice as she compares her lover to cocaine?




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