
5 Underrated Jams by Ke$ha

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nothing gets me in a party mood more than a good Ke$ha song... Even aside from the singles, Ke$ha has some major balls-out tracks that really make me swing my invisible ponytail all up and down the halls of my house... but I feel like a lot of people miss out on some of her best songs because they have only heard the radio songs. Here are 5 Ke$ha songs non-fans have to hear before "Warrior" comes out!

#5 - Cannibal [Sluts, This One Is For You!]

This song puts me in a trance. Something about her rhythm makes this song so sexy, but the lyrics are almost to eerie to add to your sex playlists. This song works because it embodies the idea of a succubus, which I imagine is her goal.

#4 Dinosaur [This Is Not A Song About Madonna!]

Your favorite rapper could NEVER! If you've never had an old man hit on you at the club, you may not be cute. Sorry to tell you, but the truth hurts.

#3 Hungover [For All Of The Lovers Drunks Getting Over Their Exes]

The first song by Ke$ha I heard that made me realize that she wasn't just a shallow pop star out to grab a couple of hits and then waste her millions on drugs then become irrelevant. *side-eye to Carly Rae Jepsen, Yeah! I'm on to you, bitch!*

#2 Stephen [The Stalker National Anthem]

 I don't know whether this is a single or not... because it received a video... but I don't give a damn because it's my countdown. This song is not only hilarious, but the electronic harmonies are enough to make each member of Destiny's Child's pussy twitch.

#1 Boots & Boys [Who Doesn't Love A Good Pair Of Boys Boots?]

Good things come in pairs. That's all I'm saying.

What are your favorite non-singles by the Queen of Trash-Pop, Ke$ha? Post YouTube links in the comments below!


  1. grow a pear
    boots & boys
    the harold song
    dancing with tears in my eyes

  2. Crazy Beautiful Life - very catchy and fun song to listen to.
    Grow a Pear - catchy and funny. I laughed out load the first time I heard the bridge.
    C U Next Tuesday - this song is signature Kesha. It's more serious but has a dirty pun attached and a big F-U to whoever she wrote it about.

  3. 1: Cannibal
    2: Grow A Pear
    4: The Harold Song
    5: Blind
    6: Animal (Billboard Remix)

  4. 'Grow A Pear' remains unbothered!!

    1. Only 2 singles from Cannibal (album) so much potential wasted!
      Almost everything is better than Die Young!




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