
OH SNAP: Lady GaGa Goes OFF On Calvin Harris

Monday, October 29, 2012

Well damn, ring tha alarm and GaGa's throwin' elbows....

This whole Twitter rant started when Calvin Harris had an interview on the BBC earlier today.

Calvin Harris on turning down Lady GaGa: "I was busy. You gotta pick people whose songs or voice you like. It was before she was very very big. They sent me some songs, and I didn't really like the songs, and that's okay. They didn't send me any of the big songs....'will you work on all these album tracks, please?'.

Now is it just me or did Calvin NOT say anything wrong or out of the ordinary? Less than 5 hours later, Lady GaGa took to Twitter to vent.

Then Calvin responded and made her look like an ass....

Funny how Lady GaGa and her Little Monsters preach acceptance and love, when she and her stans are the biggest internet terrorists and flamebaiters of all the stanbases. 

Whether GaGa liked what Calvin said or not, does not give her the right to suddenly attack him on Twitter; then for her to make an aboutface and say that she was doing this to teach her stans "know that I can be as brave as you are. It's ok to stand up for yourself" - no bitch. Funny how Lady GaGa drags Calvin Harris at the drop of a hat, yet Lady GaGa continues to ignore all of the shading and berating Madonna has thrown her way over the last year. It's always easier to stand up to the sheep than the lion. What is this teaching your stans, GaGa?

Another thing, standing up for yourself is one thing, ATTACKING the legacy of another person's artistry are fightin' words! 

Shouldn't Lady GaGa of all people know the essential Golden Rule?


  1. Wow she really does have balls.... Pun intended.

  2. I am here for BitchGA !!!!!!!

    The Queen has to set these jesters in their place or else when will they learn. She has a kingdom to run.

  3. I agree, this was a really weird action, but he has made comments about her a couple of months ago that were pretty shady.
    I think Gaga just snapped, cause she has been the centre of shade lately.

    Its also a possibility that she is doing this on purpose. She is obsessed with the fall of the popstar lately and this is also a theme for her new album.

    Also, addressing fans like this is not fair. Attack any big pop artist and I promiss you, in every fanbase there are the crazy ass stans that go spam you.

    Twitter stans are not representative of her fanbase at all. They are the ones who react to everything and dont really get Gagas message I guess.

    I am a Lady Gaga fan and I wont go shading him. I am not deluded and can put this in perspective, and yes she was wrong in this case. However, she appologized and thats that.
    Though, I feel as if Calvin took the easy way out. He has shaded her in the past, shes not crazy, but it was clever of him to respond this way to her confrontation.

    Also, it

    1. Exactly, Calvin backed down. He's talked about passing up her songs in the past but his comments were much more negative.

  4. love Calvin. He handled it like a pro. We Found Love speaks on it's own. #teamcalvin

  5. Gaga is a hypocrite. Nothing surprising there.

  6. I'm glad Gaga is taking a stand. Many other people think they can talk shit about her and get away with it. It's all out of jealousy.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How is a producer who just had a huge hit with We Found Love jealous of a singer who last had a hit with Born This Way? Producers like Calvin give these artists like Gaga their hits. Gaga and her monsters don't even make sense.

  7. This is what she just posted on littlemonsters.com!
    You might want to add this to the story?

    "standing up for myself

    I knew the truth all along. Just wanted to make sure he/and you did.

    that is an old story from 2008 that was re-spun.
    labels email producers all the time, especially for new artists/remixes. but that should not be an opportunity to take personal shots, and furthermore portray me as a 'desperate female artist.' (when in reality i've never reached out to him at all and he knows that) yes, i was offended that is was brought up AGAIN, im a songwriter, im a producer. Im a woman in a male dominated producer-writer-dj field. i write my own material. so i stood up.

    thats all really "

  8. I wish people would stop caring about her and her insufferable bullshit. She's going to be that 40 year old former pop star on 2027's version of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and/or The Biggest Loser clutching on to any bit of relevance she might have had way back when. And if you are are a "Little Monster" struggling to come up with a no-so-snarky comment in response to my "spilling truth tea," PLS. You're embarrassing. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu1h0xy3NX1ql5yr7o1_400.gif

  9. She did great, you can fight back if u are attacked. And gaga is right, she has been used by other artists/producers lately to get some spotlight so she is getting tired of that.
    She is a great musician in the whole way so if the others are too why speak about her in a negative way or try to shade her. Is like common guys get on ur own things and music please. she is so busy with her worl wide soldout tour.

    1. Idk why her fans are saying it's "sold-out" because it's definitely not. If you want to talk about sold-out tours... talk to Madonna.

  10. Its time she started to throwing back shade for those who shade HER.....i mean how much hate can one take and just stay quiet all the time. She has a right to be bothered. And what she said is right....they only bring up her name when they're ready to launch some new single or album. And she did shade madonna...in New Zealand....remember she said that we are not living 25 years ago and we dont have to cunty to one another....I think that speaks for itself.

    1. Do you even know what shade is? She didn't shade Calvin and she most certainly did not shade Madonna.

    2. If that isnt shade...then please define what is your opinion of it. Im waiting to hear.

  11. I'm a big Gaga fan, and I kind of understand her attitude, you would also be tired at your school/work/etc if there was an asshole saying that you always need help to do your job just because you ask him for help once, it's like he's talking shit to everybody saying that you beg him for help because you have no clue on what you're studying or working, and that's offensive. But at least Calving Harris responded politely.

    And people please don't talk shit about lady gaga, it's ok if you don't like her songs but she's an amazing songwriter and producer, every song of her has a story and her albums are not made of 23 songs about a girl dancing in the club and fucking every guy, her songs are weird and they make you imagine things and they are also surrealist.

    I didn't like everysong on Born This Way and it wasn't my favourite album but the songs had amazing lyrics.

  12. I support GaGa. This blog has gone to the dogs. So much hate and anger.

  13. I can't with this bitch...lol...she's sooooo fake. Like: Oh..."know that I can be as brave as you are. It's ok to stand up for yourself".....blah blah blah blah *falls asleep* This bitch should be awarded with the world guiness record of the most corny lies told by a meat-wearing whore. I feel like I'm watching Barney & Friends when I hear her say those things. *sighs in relief*

  14. If Britney got on Twitter "everytime" someone had something negative to say, she would have blisters on every finger. Any major artist has critics who have ill founded things to say, but you have to learn to take it in stride. Also, if you put yourself in to your fanbase the way gaga does, with the whole bullying schtick, you set yourself up for failure. Madonna's message to Ellen years ago about the negativity in the press (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-j6EhVa5CY) is the type of response someone in the spotlight should share. Gaga is just a little girl that needs affirmation of all of her musings. It is really a pity that an extremely talented girl like Gaga has lost sight of what made her get in the industry.

    1. But thats exactly why I think she might do this on purpose. She has put on a completely different character lately, but she hasnt done a lot of interviews lately so people havent really noticed it yet. She is hanging out with Lindsay Lohan, has done some fake lip injections and in interviews, she once explained to the interviewer before the actual interview (she probably didnt know this was going to be shown) that if she didnt look at him while talking, she was performing for the camera.

      Like I said before, she is obsessed with the decay of the star these days. She has also mentioned a lot that she knows what she's doing.

      I think she actually is trying to build a new character. She has often talked about David Bowie being her example and explaining that artists change (and then also names David Bowie who dropped Ziggie Stardust).

      I really think it is possible she does this all on purpose. She also shaved her head and tattooed the back of her head. I think she wants to make the media think the fame is getting to her. I know it isnt, cause these are just headlines she's making and everything else is going quite gaga-esque. Like she said, she knows what she's doing.

  15. Stop covering Gaga news, MARTIANLEAKS. That, too, would be an about-face to say you're excited for ARTPOP - or anything Gaga.

    ARTPOP is our non-violent revolution. If you guys don't like us going off on shade then you're gonna hate us even more during ARTPOP.


    1. How prophetic, or self fulfilling? I speak only for myself. Gaga doesnt endorse my comments.

  16. lmao!
    i'm lovin' this borderline hood gaga.
    she's givin' to slaps and they ain't got no names on 'em!

    and whats up with the lack of artpop album news updates on here...?
    didn't she confirm "ratchet" and "red flame" (both featuring aslaylia) would be on the album as well as it being a double album yesterday?

  17. Gaga is just over-reacting, how 'Calvin turning down her song to be remixed' is offending? I don't see the point since Calvin was not talking shit about Gaga. He said "They sent me some songs, and I didn't really like the songs, and that's okay." so Calvin didn't like Gaga's song, what's the big deal here? I think Gaga should be the one who apologize instead of him.

  18. What are you trying to say Gaga? So Calvin is not entitled to his opinion about not liking her song? What a hypocrite! ;)

  19. Someone with actual taste.November 3, 2012 at 6:48 PM

    Desperate for attention now it seems.




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