
Rivals: Nicki Minaj vs Ke$ha

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I let you guys vote for who would face Nicki Minaj and you chose Ke$ha as the best competition for her!

If you haven't been keeping up with Rivals, here's how it's gone so far!

Beyoncé vs Rihanna

Christina Aguilera vs Carrie Underwood

We obviously still have a long way to go! I've even added some new artists to the line-up!

Beyoncé, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Minogue, Carrie Underwood, Nicki Minaj, Shakira, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Christina Aguilera, Madonna and Rihanna still left to battle it out. Plus, I've now added Adele, Usher, Chris Brown and Mariah Carey to the line-up!

Now that the little info session is out of the way, let's get down to business. 

Round 1: Sales & Accolades
Remember Tik Tok? Of course you do. It was fucking everywhere. It hit the #1 spot on the Hot 100 for 9 weeks. Nicki Minaj still hasn't hit it for one. I won't even bring up Ke$ha's other #1 smash hit.

Ke$ha has also outsold Nicki Minaj in world wide album sales. No amount of let-me-pull-a-Britney-and-get-my-album-certified-early-despite-actual-sales-not-being-close style trickery can help Minaj here.

There's really no debate to be had.

Victor: Ke$ha

Round 2: Beauty & Sex Appeal

The funny thing about this is that Ke$ha actually began her career as the anti-pop star. She's doesn't try and maintain a barbie doll image, she's aggressive and she's got a crazy rocker-chick edge. She's almost like a young Peaches. Unlike Peaches, however, Ke$ha managed to still end up as one of the biggest pop stars in the world.

Nicki Minaj, on the other hand, was pretty much brought into the industry as a sex symbol. A racy, sometimes controversial image. BANGING body. I mean, her name is Nicki Minaj, a play on the term Ménage à Troi (Google it). I actually originally pit Nicki Minaj against J.Lo and titled it "The Battle of Va Va Voom," but that would have been a one-sided battle. 

Nicki is actually one of the most sought after women in urban music, covering all sorts of magazines like XXL and King, while Ke$ha for the better part of her career has just been seen as a dirt and cum covered glitter ball.

Minaj by a mile!

Round 3: Talent

I went back and forth on this topic with the owner of ElectroLov3 for a bit. I wasn't a big fan of either of these women in the beginnings of the respective careers, but as time went by I've come to respect both of them for their individual talents. I actually love them about the same now, but for some reason I was leaning more towards Nicki as the more talented of the two. They're both great writers, though so I asked for a second opinion, which actually made me think a lot.

Expertise from Denver at ElectroLov3.com
Nicki Minaj is trying to do what Ke$ha has been doing.

Musically Ke$ha has the upper hand as a singer/songwriter but I feel like Nicki Minaj has done a better job of turning herself into a better brand. Ke$ha doesn't give a shit, she just wants to make music and run wild with the animals. With that said, I do feel like aside from the auto-tune, Ke$ha is more genuine. Nicki Minaj is all plastic, from her voice to her wigs. Nicki's image will always be a barrier or some people. In her element, Nicki is unstoppable, but unfortunately that's not what sells. Nicki is diminishing her talent as a rapper to make pop records.

If Nicki gave you something like a Kanye West executive produced hip-hop album it would shit on lives, but she's stuck with Young Money; home of the pop rappers. 

Seeing Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj live were two completely different experience. Ke$ha was amazing because she pretty much raved with the crowd. It was like a rock show and all that was really needed were a few cool props because everyone in the crowd was too busy going nuts. Even her earlier performances on Ellen made you smile because she was being so adorable.

Nicki's show on the other hand (think Femme Fatale tour) shifted focus a lot. Nicki was great, but didn't make the show her own. She was just another part of it. Don't get me wrong, neither of them are going to be collecting an "Entertainer of the Year" award anytime... ever, but I'd be more likely to dish out the coin to see Ke$ha do the robot than seen Minaj stiffly jiggle her arse.

I've going to let Denver be the deciding factor on this and give this to Ke$ha 

Round 4: ANIMAL$ vs. Barbz

Somehow the Barbz and Kenz have managed to join the ranks of the Beyhive and Rihanna Navy as the most feared and revered stans on the web. They are a bunch of hilarious and disgusting kids (mostly) that viciously protect their Hip-Pop Princess no matter how intense the delusions. Her albums should be packaged with candy flavored dextroamphetamines, but then who would provoke Lil Kim?

Ke$ha's fans are a lot more docile. I don't know if they're all trippin' on ecstasy or just have incredible inner peace, but they give fucks sparingly. They still show up and support Ke$ha at shows all over the world, but I just don't think Ke$ha has the celebrity star power like Nicki does. Nicki also has brand power, which will soon include a perfume.

I feel like Ke$ha stans are more likely to go out and buy her albums, but I feel like Nicki fans are equally as likely to rob Ke$ha's stans at gunpoint for their $14.99 and buy a copy of whatever Nicki is selling at the moment. Nicki Minaj could shit on a hot wing and have the #1 selling hot wing sauce in the country.

A win for Nicki courtesy of Team Minaj!

Round 5: Longevity

Shocking, we have a tie. Oddly enough we haven't had a clean sweep yet, though I do think we'll see one soon! *wink*

Again, this is something that I'm terrible at predicting, so I'll let you guys vote on this and that will determine the winner of this. 

Keep this in mind: Nicki Minaj has already said she'd do a limited amount of albums, but no one ever retires when they say they will. Remember when Beyoncé said she'd retire at 30. ("That lying bitch!" - Kelly Rowland) She also has acting to fall back on.

Ke$ha, on the other hand, is a rocker... and if she's anything like Steven Tyler or Bono she's going to be around long past her prime.

According to the poll, you guys chose Ke$ha as the superior artist!


  1. Out of all the pics of Ke$ha you pick a horrible pic of her about 3 years old...

  2. I honestly think that Nick should have one just because of her ability to manufacture Pop and Rap hits. Those two worlds couldn't be anything but polar opposites and Nicki has proved that she can be a force in both areas. Look at her Monster verse or Massive Attack versus Whip It or Va Va Voom, all great verse/songs on two totally opposite genres.

  3. Ke$ha.

    Nicki is the next Lil Kim and in about 5 years or less no one will ever remember who she was.

  4. Ke$ha because your music isn't boring. TiK Tok is 3 years old in August and people still dance to it (and it still gets radio play).

    Whereas with Nicki, although her album was Number 1 in UK (so was Ke$ha's) it really hasn't impacted. Starships is too overplayed and i've seen people walk away from the dancefloor now when it comes on. Her album may be popular with the Pop hits, but it's hardly selling anymore.

    So the fact that Ke$ha's Tik Tok is still popular after 3 years (not to mention her other songs: Cannibal, Blow, We R WHo We R, Take It Off etc.)and yet Nicki's Starships has only been out 4/5 months and people are bored of it.

    This is why Ke$ha should win.

    1. Ke$ha's album was not #1 in the UK

    2. Animal/Cannibal was wasn't it?

      But still, people still play old Ke$ha songs, and yes they might play Starships and Pound The Alarm but the point is that people find Ke$ha songs a lot more fun, whereas like i said before, people walk away from the dancefloor whenever Starships comes on nowadays.

    3. I don't know people that still play Ke$ha but I know people still play Super Bass

  5. It's difficult because for me Kesha has the biggest heats so I think she will stay the longest but after hearing (by watching some leak videos) the songs she wants to release this year, they all seem like shit. Minaj in the other hand is starting to enter in the hit business after hearing her album I was stuck with pop hits such as "Whip It", "Pound The Alarm", "Starships". The problem is that she is becoming a pop stars and a lot of fans are complaining about this because they liked her as a rapper and now she is going pop (and dressing too much like Gaga).

    I love Kesha but if she stars to release shit music she won't last 2 minutes. Nicki Minaj can afford to release some shit records because she has a stronger fan base

  6. I have to pick Nicki. of course. But I have my reasons.
    I don't really agree with the Sales winner, I think Nicki should have won that because Ke$ha's album dropped early 2010 and Minaj's late 2010 but Minaj's album has sold 450,500 more units US. and I under Minaj has yet to have a #1 but just this week she broke the record for longest top ten single on billboard. "According to Billboard, since its debut on the charts at the #9 spot on March 3rd, “Starships” has been in the top 10 for 21 weeks straight! This is a first in Billboard history, and breaks the record previously held by the Black Eyed Peas in 2009 for their hit, “I Gotta Feeling.”"

    As far as the talent portion I think its unfair. Its a performance of Ke$ha doing what she normally does, but Minaj's is pop. Minaj is kinda new to pop which Ke$ha is not, so I can understand her performances being boring, but if you were to put her Grammy performance or her BET performance where she is RAPPING she would definitely take the category as well.

    I know that leaves Minaj winning everything, but thats just how I see it. Even from a non biased stand point.

    Also, I definitely think Minaj will be around for YEARS to come, shes a smart girl. I don't really believe the whole "5 album" limit she said. I think she'll be around because Her albums are lengthy which gives her time to stretch them out. She also does alot of hip-hop features so her hip-hop fans won't leave.

    On the Kanye thing, I agree then I don't. If she was under Kanye she would be doing more rapping yes, but I believe she would still be doing pop. Kanye West has done some pop songs on his albums before so you can't really point pop at YoungMoney. Kanye's 4th album "808s & Heartbreak" is labeled as "Pop, electronica, and R&B" its not labeled as hip-hop and Kanye is indeed a hip-hop artist. Even on his last album MBDTF, he has a good 4 or 5 songs I personally would consider Pop so that argument is invalid.

    Nicki should most def win this. Hands down.

    1. First, in today's music industry, Its not just about album sales. It's about radio play, singles, and music video's too (ex. Rihanna). Add it all up together and Ke$ha has sold more. And I think you got that record mixed up. Starships is the first song SINCE "I gotta feeling" to be in the top ten for 21 weeks. But technically that is incorrect. Fun's We Are Young was in the top 10 for 22 weeks. And Party Rock Anthem, 29 weeks. So yeah.

      Secondly, since all Minaj performs anymore is her pop tunes 90% of the time, I would think it is fair to judge her pop performances. Since that is most likely what you will end up seeing from her. And if that's the case. Ke$ha does deserve it.

      I agree that Nicki won't be taking a seat any time soon (regardless of what she says). But, at the same time, Ke$ha does seem 100% true to the music. And that being said, she will probably still be rocking in her wheelchair 60 years from now with a bottle of jack. Nicki may stick around for a while, but I still see Ke$ha being around longer.

      Especially since Ke$ha not only performs her own tunes, but writes for many others as well. Even if Ke$ha stops performing, she will still be around penning tracks long after Nicki's finally given it a rest.

      And just to be perfectly clear, I am a fan of both. I don't like either more than the other. I'm a Lana/Marina stan right here. But I have the upmost respect for both Nicki and Ke$ha and hope they are both around for a long time.

      But ultimately, I do believe this one should go to Ke$ha.




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