
Beyoncé Announces New 'Heat' perfume: Midnight

Monday, July 16, 2012

While Gaga tries to sell her first perfume by showing her naked body, Beyoncé likes to stay classy and hot in  the ad for her new perfume in the 'Heat' line, called "Midnight Heat"

Bey looks cute in purple!

Her other perfumes smell lovely and I'm sure this one will smell great as well.

Ladies and travo's.. will you be buying Bey's new perfume?

Edit by Mister Martian: LOL! That Britney stans are going to eat her alive. Midnight Fantasy>>>>>


  1. Bey... don't forget u also have male fans! "HEAT FOR MEN", maybe? I'm sure that if u sell it with a sexy picture like this one the world will go crazy! There's no need in showing ur body to sexy! U GO B!

  2. Bey looks wonderful! I'm not totally in love with her eye makeup in this though.... looking a little like a purple purple raccoon, but other than that she is looking great! :-) Love me some Bey!

  3. Remembers me of Midnight Fantasy. Even the colors.

  4. classy, no need for nudity or filthiness like a certain artist releasing her first perfume, beyonce Knows her face could sell a bag of dog shit, classy ad for a classy artist, no attention seeking needed, THE QUEEN =D

    1. Shading Gaga will not make this perfume smell nice.

  5. Does anyone REALLY like her fragrances?
    Remover her from the advertisement and they are not remarkable (not in a good way at least).
    Maybe it's because Beyoncé is, as she has said, allergic to perfume so they have to remove the allergens but...
    her fragrances smell too "old lady."
    Young people smelling like Aqua Velva and Jean Naté is not really in, is it?




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