
First Look: Gaga's New Perfume 'Fame'

Monday, July 16, 2012

Well... The bottle has been photoshopped in the picture, that's for sure. 

I think the image doesn't really put the focus on the bottle, but more on Gaga's body and those lil mans, which is a shame cause it is about the product of course. 

I don't like it. What about you guys?


  1. What I like about this picture is that Gaga is not doing more horrible pictures like the cover of born This way or the cover of the born this way single. She is looking more like the old Gaga, and I feel that the product is her and not the perfume

  2. Looks like Pamela Anderson in Lit's "Miserable" video... but the explicit version.

  3. The "FIRST EVER" black eau de parfum?! Looks like Gaga is very interested in being the FIRST EVER in everything. I heard she created the sun, the moon, the trees, the flowers...

    For God's sake!

    1. Well she can say that as it's true, the closest that even comes near this parfum is Wode by Boudicca.

  4. I love this image! I feel like she's purposely choose to become the main focus of this image, as if she wanted the perfume to be the main focus she could have put it in the middle third of this image near her waistline.

    But she's smart as what the female/gay target audience would get out of this is that men will climb all over you when you wear the perfume and that this perfume will make you more like Gaga herself.

    1. I totally agree with this person... I think that if GaGa really wanted it to be about herself, she would have focused the bottle over her boobs, or even to her lower half, to be "Controversial" but instead she is holding it in the palm of her hand. And I believe she chose to be naked in the photo because that is something everyone has no matter what your financial status is, we all have a naked body. Instead of wearing some fancy dress or couture outfit. We also need to keep in mind that the song for the commercial is the ever so little monster famous song "Scheiße." so we need to take into account that there is a theme with the song going on. Wait until you see the commercial before you make your final judgement.... you never know, you may be surprised that you might actually like the results :)

    2. Just trying to keep an open mind :)

  5. In a way this image is all about her, and although we know it's her, the reason she's wearing that mask to conceal part of her face is so that women can place themselves within the scenario within this image.

  6. She's completly naked and she has men crawling all over her, but I still find this really classy? If this was any other artist this would be cheap, but for some reason some how she manages to pull it off? :S

  7. Looks alot like Madonna's 1993 "Erotica" era..hmmmm

    1. Your right. Madonna invented nudity. And Lady Gaga covering her nipples with Little Men is utterly reductive of Madonna's innovative nipples. Paws down!

  8. really cool pic like the little men and all, very creative, the perfume will probably smell horrible though after all the rumours of sperm and blood samples being used. As much as the image is very creative i still have no love for the gay using attention whore that is GaGa. TBH i miss the Just Dance Lady GaGa when she was kinda normal and cool to like

  9. This ad is dope!

    1. It's amazing how much attention she attracts. This articles has more comments than any other article on your front page, including Gwen Stefani/No Doubt and a Madonna video.

      People still don't realize how she appeals more to the Lesbian community than she does for the Gay community. If Madonna is the Queen of the Gays, then Lady Gaga is the King of the Queens - NY pun intended! :)

      Lady Gaga is new generation "gay", ga-gay to be exact. It's a more evolved and post-feminist community of young 20-something who choose to define themselves beyond sexual preference: Spiritual Identity.

      Lady Gaga is Stefani's Spiritual Name and destiny. She's a living Zeitgeist - Like it or not.

      Bitch down!

  10. The point is to focus on Gaga, she is what will sell this perfume, no one would buy it if she wasnt the center of attention! thats how all celeb perfumes work!

    1. You understand the concept of Celebrity Perfume. Bravo! :)

  11. It's interesting at first, and delightfully beautiful up-close, have you seen the super HQ file?

  12. There's so many comments on this article, I think Gaga's achieved what she's wanted, everyone's talking about her.

    1. Precisely. Love and Hate, either way, she's got the FAME. Bitch down!

  13. It's official first thing I'm doing on launch day is running down to my nearest retailer to spray this all over me. My body is ready.

  14. She's going to be snatching so many weaves in September, Single release, Music Video release, perfume launch, album announcement, US tour dates announcment.




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