
Nicki Minaj Call Little Monster 'Bitch'!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nicki still doesn't like the Gaga comparisons, especially when they're hailing in from the notoriously delusional Little Monsters. In the video, Nicki is verbally attacked by a Lady Gaga fan who repeats over and over again that she needs to stop copying Gaga.

I'm still trying to figure out when Gaga levitated. When Gaga invented wigs, leotards or dance music. When Gaga rapped. Puzzling. The fan was last seen trying to peddle his video off to some blogs and posting failed pictures of Gaga ignoring him while her body guard moves him back.

I would have called him much more than a "bitch." 

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  1. i cant really hear what she says :/

  2. how embarrassing for that guy. i like gaga way more than nicki, but damn! i expected it to be a 12 year old or something. show some maturity (not so) little monsters! gaga's not shy, if she has a problem with someone, she will fight her own battle.

  3. You can kind of hear her say "Bitch" at the 4 second mark. Right as he says "You rip her off" the first time.

  4. In the name of all the monsters we are not all like this idiot. I won't say that Minaj doesn't copy Gaga in some ways, but remember that her creative director is "Laureann Gibson" the old creative director of Gaga. Is like when a producer works for other artist you can't help to notest some similarities between the songs. But Minaj has her own style, her vocals are different, and her subjects are different too.

  5. Gaga did kickstart the dance music craze when she released the fame. She brought the fashion world into the music world a bit more as well. The artists we see today aren't really "copying" her, they're just going by the trends that gaga has pushed forward. She's a catalyst in a way.

    1. Lady Gaga is a Catalyst. Fact.

    2. I hate to burst that bubble... but gaga was part of the movement that was created before her arrival. Britney had Blackout well before GaGa, Madonna had Confessions... even Cher has two electronic dance albums before anyone else including GaGa even showed up. I think saying GaGa was a catalyst for dance electronic is presuming that because her album did so well that she created a "style" which she hasn't, but she has been successful off of it.

      GaGa is talented, but somehow monsters seem to presume that she started a movement in music. She's talented, but she hasn't done anything people haven't done before her when it comes to style, music, and persona.

  6. Little Monsters shouldn't behave this way. This is a Judas fan: someone who betrays the message Lady Gaga stands for.

    Bad Kids would have tackled this fool + the Paparazzi would have sold the photos to E!.

    Nicki Minaj shouldn't be harassed like this! But she's also stoking the flames by claiming she hasn't taken a page from Gaga's playbook. For one, she's been working with Lauri and RedOne. + Monsters were notorious LONG before we heard anything about the Barbz. etc etc

  7. i really wish nicki woulda slayed the fuck outta them for tryin' her like that and i'm not even a fan of her or her music.
    the only reason they tried that shit is because they knew she wouldn't do anything if they recorded it (and she's too smart to risk her success on hood shenanigans).

    let them had tried that shit with beyoncé; julius woulda body blocked them into oncoming traffic as soon as they started recording.

  8. Little Monsters shouldn't behave this way. This is a Judas fan: someone who betrays the message Lady Gaga stands for.

    Bad Kids would have tackled this fool + the Paparazzi would have sold the photos to E!.

    hahaha, love your comment. This is creative :p

  9. Wow, I don't know who is more wrong in this situation. The idiot attacking Nicki. Or this blog.

    Yes, the fan shouldn't be bothering Nicki. Why? Because it is hard to be original in a society where people have seen no limits. With Gaga always pushing (notice I said PUSHING, not CREATING) boundaries, many people with less than half a brain are gonna think everyone is copying her. Even if they aren't. Because anything provocatively theatrical is gonna be linked to Gaga. Its what she is known for.

    And the blog. Normally, I'm a pretty open-minded person. I love all things music and follow many musicians and musical blogs. I have given this blog the benefit of the doubt so many times. But I can't help but notice this is not much of a blog, but more a way for some lonely sap to make the world care about him by spewing his bigoted opinions on everyone. And don't even bother replying. I already know what you're gonna say. "Nobody makes you read my blog. It's just my opinion. If you don't like it, dont read it."

    Let me tell you something. I came to this blog for music updates. To find a way to keep up with music, as you've proven that you stay pretty up to date with the music industry. But as I've watched your blog become more popular, I've noticed you've become more outspoken on your opinion. Which shouldn't be a problem, I know. Until you start spewing about a whole group of people are the same. Just because one idiot decides to stalk a star and talk without sense doesn't mean every one is like that.

    I've noticed a few times people have made similar comments about being gay, and you're rebuttals have been nothing but inspiring. But is this not the same thing? If one gay guy kidnapped a child, would it be fair to call all gays child molesters?

    Seriously, try to be a little more considerate and open-minded to your readers before you post stuff like that. Because one day, all the little teeny boppers that follow you on twitter will grow up. And MOST of them will grow up and realize this blog is a joke. And you're fifteen minutes of online diva fame will be over. So at least go out with a little dignity and respect.




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