
Carrie Underwood Speaks Out For Marriage Equality

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Once again, the flaw-free queen of country music and perfect hair has spoken out in favor of marriage equality. May not seem like a big deal today, but as a country star this is a bit of a shocker. The first time Underwood spoke out, she was heavily criticized by the country and christian community. Some even blamed her small dip in sales on her "coming out" for equality.

More info below...

 In June, Underwood came out in favor of gay marriage. "As a married person myself, I don't know what it's like to be told I can't marry somebody I love," she told a British newspaper.

She elaborates: "I'm in favor of acceptance," she says flatly. "And I am a Christian person, and I do love the Lord, and I feel no matter who you are, what you believe, how you live your life, it's not my place to judge. I don't have that power. I don't want that power. It's my place to love and to show God's love to other people, even if they don't live a life like I live. So that's where I'm coming from."

Underwood was hammered by conservative fans for her remarks, and was blasted by World Net Daily's founder Joseph Farah, who said:

"God did warn us not to profane His holy name. I don’t think that just means misusing His name as a curse word. I think we do that when we represent ourselves as followers of God but betray His Word. That’s blasphemy – and there’s just too much of it coming from people claiming to be Christians."

As a gay country music fan, I must say this makes me extremely proud to focus my music interests on Carrie Underwood.


  1. This is really amazing especially considering the area she comes from. She knows the backlash she will get...and it's honestly amazing for a person of her background to stand up for this. Truly proud of her :).

  2. hopefully not a dixie chicks moment for her




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