
Rita Ora Confirms 2013 Album; Talks 'Radioactive'

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rita Ora confirmed during her radio interview with Kiss FM in the U.K. that she will begin work on her sophomore album in January and that the album will drop later in 2013 as well. Welp, this won't end the Rihanna comparisons one bit. Drag ha, Rih.

Confirmation comes in the video around 3:05. Rih-ta also talks about her new single, "Radioactive" and what we can expect from the upcoming music video, as well as the relationship with her fans, Christmas shopping and plans for a U.K. tour!

Playful shade aside, hopefully Rita's second album serves life. Her voice is so stunning and the second album really needs to showcase that more. All-in-all the interview was cute. Rita has such a sexy talking voice!


  1. I'm not convinced of her!
    she means none to me musically.

    1. Agreed. Her debut album was not the tea, for the most part at least.

      She only gains my attention when a live performance is involved.

  2. I like her music, but it's not really that speacial or different. She seems like a mixture of Beyoncé's looks with Rihanna's music, which is not a good thing. Be yourself, Rita!

  3. Someone with actual taste.November 23, 2012 at 3:57 PM

    Radioactive is SUCH an overused name for an album. McFly & Marina and the Diamonds had it to name a few.




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