
Chris Brown To Release 'Carpe Diem' LP in 2013

Friday, November 9, 2012

Christopher Maurice is looking to add release his sixth studio album earlier next year. As of now, the album is tentatively titled Carpe Diem which translates to "Seize the Day."

Carpe Diem is also the name of his current tour.

The first single from the album, "Nobody's Perfect" hit radio today [listen here] and is expected to go on sale next week (though this hasn't been confirmed from a reliable source).

Now, I'm not against artists putting out albums every year, or even twice a year... as long as the quality is there. I just have a hard time believing that if you don't take the time to live a little between albums, that all of your material starts to bleed together. I think a lot of today's artists rely a little too much on studio magic and producers to pump out these albums in a race to see who can get the most accolades. If you put out an album, start touring and put out two more albums before the tour is over, you might be doing a little too much.

Still, I have high hopes for Chris, as always.


  1. oh christopher; i love your faux depth.

    and everyone please stawp with these comments about albums being released too often--especially when it comes to pop music--pop music is created to be popular.
    records companies aren't giving pop artists resources to ~explore their feelings~ they give them resources to apply to their talents to make hits, record which are as palatable to as many people as possible, which includes you because the music because is made for mass consumption.

    and historically speaking, legendary artists did the same thing: jimi hendrix released all three of his albums only months apart, the beatles released their first four albums only months apart from each other (two per year), and then proceeded to release albums annually for years until they broke up.
    gladys knight summed it up best in an interview when she said touring was how artists made their income back in the day, not from album sales; successful artists toured until they were too old to do it anymore. the only reason artists released albums was to justify touring and having a catalogue to perform.

    rihanna's manager said it best: every year there's a new iphone, ipad, new model whatever and everyone complains about it but ultimately goes out and buys it because they want something new and while it's familiar it's always a different experience from the model they currently have; the same thing applies to music.

    point is if you're an artist you can make art everyday. no one complains about rappers releasing an album every year so what's wrong with a pop artist giving you new music every year?
    at worse it sounds like music they've made before which you already like and at best it sounds like something new that you love.

    (*hops off soap box and exits)

    1. wow.
      i sincereally didn't even realize how long that was;i didn't even mean to write an essay.

    2. Regardless of length, it was well written and insightful of a different perspective than what is usually articulated through this blog. Thanks!

    3. Ugh. I just wanna take this and post it everywhere.

    4. Yeah, but Rihanna's music is a far cry from the quality of most pop artists who take a little more time inbetween recordings. Aside from the Beatles, none of the artists mentioned are as big, musically, as a lot of artists around in their generation. Jimi Hendrix is a lot more popular for his recreational activities than his music. Just sayin'.

      Though, I do agree a lot with your points.

    5. but like I said... "As long as the quality is there..." which for most artists these days, it's not. It's all about hot right now and no what's gonna be hot now and into the future.

    6. what is this need to judge artists on a curve or comparing their music?
      either you like their music or you don't, it's that simple.
      rihanna makes music that's reflective of her, she's not trying to be or sound like anyone else.
      also her consistent output has given her her two biggest hits: "we found love," which leona lewis would've probably turned into a flop if rihanna hadn't released it talk that talk when she did and "umbrella," which probably would have only been a moderate hit for anyone else.

      and if your claims abou jimi hendrix were true then no one would remember jimi hendrix is legendary; amongst hardcore music fans for guitar technique, musical catalogue, iconic woodstock performance and style.
      even casual music fans that don;t know who he is probably know the melody to at least one of his songs.
      to diminish his talent, legacy and huge musical influence by claiming he's mostly remembered for his drug addiction is just wrong. that's like saying nirvana is mostly remembered for kurt cobain's suicide.




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