
Nicki Minaj Performs in Scotland, Slammed by Acts

Monday, July 9, 2012

Props to Nicki Minaj for being able to have a rock fan filled crowd jumping up and down like a bunch of teeny-boppers! Nicki performed at T In The Park, a music festival in Scotland, over the weekend and performed some of her biggest smashes. Below you can see a performance of "Moment 4 Life," "Starships," and her latest single, "Pound the Alarm."

During and after her set, Minaj was slammed by some of the other acts for not only being late without explanation, but for having a total divatude with her crew.

Nicki's starting to get a bad rep for her attitude, but I'm sure there's more to the story that had her frustrated so let's not jump to any conclusions.

Here's an article from Entertainment Wise about the backlash.

The rapper was nearly an hour late taking to the stage and gave no fans an explanation to why.
Singer Frank Turner tweeted: "You can (I suppose) be a d*ck to your own crew, you're paying them. But everyone else? Not to mention the people out front. Ugh."
"To clarify: Nicki Minaj has been being a total selfish s*ithead to all the hardworking crew backstage at T. Pathetic. F*** off," added Turner.
Also The Sleeping Souls slammed Minaj for her lack of respect for others backstage. "You know what? Nicki Minaj can just f*** right off," the band tweeted.
"I know nothing about her music but backstage her security guy just pushed a crew person off the path into the mud so she could walk past."
Minaj later told her Twitter followers she was feeling unwell before the gig, writing, "Still sick but the show must go on... right?"
Do we believe her?




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