
Fuck: Christina Aguilera Edition + Etta Tribute

Saturday, January 28, 2012


That's the only thing that can describe this picture.

It was going through Christina's mind.

It was going through the audience's mind.

When I first saw it, my mind exploded into a series of "fucks." It hurt.

Poor Christina. Just when think Christina couldn't have it any worse, she had the worst possible mishap a woman could have, at the worst possible time.

While performing a tribute to Etta James, at her funeral, mother nature decided to slap her with life's least favorite gift. At least, we're gonna assume it's that. We could assume that Christina cut her leg climbing over a fence during an intense running exercise. Her body is looking great... but sweet baby Jesus this is horrid. 

I really hope she was able to laugh this off. The performance was great. Check it below.

More pics...


  1. I don't get it. What happened?

  2. She's officially the celebrity with the worst bad luck. When you think it can't get any worse......it does.

  3. You can't see shit in the vid. Amazing proformance tho.

  4. Sorry but I can't see it in the video - probably fake.

  5. What an idiotic article! Some people with bad intentions photoshoped the hell of these pictures and made the drip darker than it really was. And you fell for it of course. It was probably just transpiration + fake tan.
    Christina Aguilera delivered a heartfelt ans moving performance to honor the musical legend that was Etta James. And that's all that really matters.

  6. no its real you can see christina trying to wipe it off before she started singing. poor girl

  7. i dont get it either...

  8. IT IS FAKE... TAKE A LOOK AT THE REAL VS. FAKE IMAGE => http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyl8bz6jtA1r8vm3io1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1327987865&Signature=ZeoSo0pxyWa4IKgFTjnfCA28grk%3D




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