
Beyoncé Opens Up About Miscarriage

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Beyoncé's first pregnancy with Blue Ivy seemed to go on without a hitch, but she wasn't as fortunate two years prior when she became pregnant for the whole time. 

For the first time King Bey has chosen to open up about his miscarriage. You can wait to hear about it when you watch her upcoming HBO Special, Life Is But A Dream, or you can read the detail below.

“About two years ago, I was pregnant for the first time,” the 31-year-old said in Life Is But a Dream, her HBO documentary airing next month, an advance copy of which was viewed by various outlets.

“And I heard the heartbeat, which was the most beautiful music I ever heard in my life.”
While she does not detail when, exactly, she suffered her loss, she did say that she felt it hard.
“I picked out names. I envisioned what my child would look like…I was feeling very maternal,” she said, adding that something went wrong early in the pregnancy, which she only found out during a routine doctor’s appointment.

“I flew back to New York to get my checkup—and no heartbeat. Literally the week before I went to the doctor, everything was fine, but there was no heartbeat.”

And she dealt with the loss the best way she knew how.

“I went into the studio and wrote the saddest song I’ve ever written in my life. And it was actually the first song I wrote for my album,” she said, albeit not naming the track or even if it made the final cut. “And it was the best form of therapy for me, because it was the saddest thing I’ve ever been through.”
I can't even imagine. That's really sad.


  1. Maybe it was "I Was Here." That's the only song on the album that makes sense.

    1. It's also the only song on the album she had no part in "writing."

  2. perfect timing too this is great promo.




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