
Madonna Stan Clocks Lady GaGa With Random Object

Monday, November 12, 2012

[Insert Pa-Pa-Pa-Poker Face Joke Here]

Okay, so maybe it wasn't a Madonna stan...but during a "Born This Way Ball" tour stop in São Paulo yesterday, Lady GaGa was on stage talking before being hit with a flying object (water bottle/cup?) thrown from the crowd!

The moneyshot comes at 3:10

Sounded painful.....but her pain is our viewing pleasure!

So many good moments in that video:

- The bottle accurately flying in from the crowd and slamming her across the face. I'm sure someone will get a call or two from an NFL scout later tonight, that was some top tier accuracy.

- The stunned queen who is so shocked that Mother Monster was just slammed by a water bottle, that the only appropriate reaction is an over-dramatic flailing arm

- The crowds reaction after GaGa gets up: "Oooh!" Yup, shit just got real. Takes me back to those High School days when the trouble-making student backtalks the teacher and all the class "oohs" and "ahhs" eagerly anticipating the teachers reaction. 


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