
How We Know Gaga's Album Is Coming In 2013

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What a strange way to get information out to your fans. 

MGA Entertainment, the people who make those prostitute-like Bratz dolls, is suing the shit out of Lady Gaga for not coming through with a deal made for her own line of dolls. According to MGA, Gaga wanted to hold off on the agreement until 2013 when her new album is coming out.

Welp, sorry for the Gaga fans who thought they'd get it this year. Doesn't mean there won't be new music, though! 

MGA Entertainment, the people who make those Bratz baby prostitute dolls, is suing the shit out Lady Gaga and in the process spilled the beans about the deal turning sour because Gaga wanted to wait until her album came out in 2013.

Lady Gaga and her management company were sued by MGA Entertainment Inc., the maker of Bratz toys, for failing to approve a line of dolls in the pop star’s image.

The Van Nuys, California-based company, alleging breach of contract in New York state court, is seeking more than $10 million in damages from the pop star, her management company, Culver City, California-based Atom Factory, and Los Angeles- based Bravado International Group, a merchandising company that works with musicians and music groups.

MGA Entertainment says in the complaint that it agreed to produce dolls in Lady Gaga’s image in December 2011 at Bravado’s “request and insistence” and paid the company a $1 million fee in anticipation of shipping the products to retailers this summer in time for the holiday selling season.

You can read the rest of the article, which is horribly uninteresting, here.


  1. I don't see why this would be a problem. If Lady Gaga is planning to release the dolls at the start of the next era, and the next era is supposed to be more dance music (similar to The Fame) and probably about as successful, it would be a brilliant way to promote the dolls without actually spending a ton in advertising. Gaga herself could promote them, along with the album, at concerts and on Tv. And they would sell like hotcakes.

    1. seriously! the cross promo would've been great for gaga, but probably monumental for mga; if anyone gets screwed over as a result of this it's mga screwing themselves.

  2. The new album is called ARTPOP. There's also gonna be a few singles before the actual album release. September 12, 2012.................

    pending insider confirmation. yes!

    The decay is coming. The decay has already begun.

  3. BTW, thanks MartianLeaks for pointing this article out, which I had ignored at first.

    but it was also told to us by Gaga insiders that the album and maybe a Terry Richardson directed documentary would come out with ARTpop in 2013. 2013 wasn't confirmed until now.

    the documentary would be like the making of the album and also behind the scenes at the BORN THIS WAY ball.

  4. Here's what else we know, the album is inspired by the imagery used for the BORN THIS WAY album cover: MEDUSA. Medusa is the only bitch FAME couldn't kill.

    September 12, 2012 is a date to look out for.

    June 29, 2013 is another date associated with ARTpop.

    We think Gaga is trying to avoid getting nominated for a Grammy by skipping out nomination season. It's a way of burning the music industry alive... another theme for her next album.

    What else...

    1. the new album is going to be "simple" and "conceptual".
    2. Gaga plans to do BORN THIS WAY II in 10 years.
    3. The next one's sonically fresh for Gaga.
    4. She described the album as "sexy" and "fun".
    5. She quite smoking cigs for the fans, but continues to smoke pot for inspiration, pain and Lupus.
    6. She's dieting again! :)

    I'll post more tidbits if you like! :)

  5. But how do we know that she didn't meant she wanted to release the dolls in 2013, after she debuted the album in 2012...

    1. She's releasing the album next summer. The dolls are meant to be a counter the Barbie expectation.

  6. + She's not attending any award shows for a while. If at all.

    The grammys made it clear: we don't like you anymore Lady Gaga. The decay has begun.

    Gaga has shunned the media, and her next album is going to be reckless and fun. The point is to burn the music industry alive: she might release for FREE.

    It's all going according to plan. All the shade she's gotten from Madonna, for example, is fueling her next project.

    THIS is one bitch FAME couldn't kill. :)

    1. How do you know all this "infomation"?
      Do you know any names of tracks being considered for the album?
      What's the first single called?

    2. There are at least 11 tracks on the next one. The first single was suppose to surprise everyone by how SOON it was released, but apparently critics overseas have already heard it and it's "amazing".

      The date: August 6, 2012.

      My theory is that since it was leaked that Gaga has intended to "burn the music industry alive", she's releasing 1 single each month until it's June 23, 2013 release. That's 11 tracks. The album is essentially FREE to the radio-oriented public.

      The first single is said to be "fresh, rad, and trippy". It's gonna kill the dancefloor! :)

      [I know all this cause I scour tumblr and twitter, and I've been paying attention to Gaga for the past 4 years. There's a method to her madness. :)]

  7. Is this even real? I thought Gaga hated Barbies and other dolls? She rips their heads off at her shows?

    1. She hates the BARBIE stereotype projected on women. What she's working with are BRATZ dolls.

  8. They're so stupid, they don't know how much money they could win when all the media furor starts when Gaga releases the new album, they could even appear in a music video, like Gaga's heartbeats in Bad Romance




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