
10 Reasons to See Katy Perry's 'Part of Me' Movie

Friday, July 6, 2012

Yes, I cracked under the pressure and went to see Katy Perry's movie last night and, to my surprise, it was quite fucking incredible. Lots of people will be surprised by what goes on in the movie. 

Here are my top reasons to see the movie, but beware of spoilers.

1. You get to see parts of her show.
Katy's show was one of the few I missed last year. She's not the greatest dancer, but the shows visuals beat out the Femme Fatale Tour and whatever Rihanna was doing on her tour that was mostly confusing to me. Plus, Katy is a fireball of energy on stage so even when she's just marching in place or just standing in place, she is electrifying the crowd.

2. She looks terrible in the morning, just like us.
She wasn't afraid to allow the camera to film first thing in the morning and she didn't wear tons of make-up during rehearsals and workouts. It made the movie more personal because it humanized her.

3. Her struggle will inspire any artist.
One thing that really shocked me was finding out that Katy had been juggled between so many labels and also struggled to maintain her image for a while until she eventually found a label home that didn't want to turn her into a cutesy pop-rocker. This movie has a great theme; Staying true to yourself will always be a struggle, but it can pay off if you never stop believing in yourself. 

4.  Kid Katy is adorable and hilarious.
For the longest time I considered Kid Beyoncé to be the most adorable kid to ever turn into a mega celebrity, but Kid Katy will her frizzled hair and kool-aid smile made my heart melt. 

5. It's a love story.
Who doesn't love a love story?... and I'm not talking about her relationship with Russel. Katy loves music and it's a beautiful thing.

6. Shit gets real!
If you've ever been dumped, you're going to cry.

7. Katy Perry has the cutest and saddest cry ever!
If you have a soul, you're going to cry. 

8. Celebrity cameos!
Adele, Hershey Kiss-Gaga, Rihanna and tons of record label big-wigs!

9. Her Grandmother reads her for shit!
I won't spoil it for you, but this was one of my favorite parts.

10. You'll gain so much respect for Katy Perry.
I think Katy Perry doesn't get a lot of respect because most people don't know how much work she puts in. They don't know that Katy writes, directs and all of those important side-jobs that really pull an artist, their art and their image together. They don't know that Katy is a humble, beautiful person. They don't know Katy struggled. They don't know what is was like for her during the divorce. They don't know she did a show the day she found out. People don't know a lot of things about Katy Perry that will really blow your mind.

Go see this movie. It's better than the Justin Bieber one. 

Also, the 3D was actually really cool and not just random effects. It was worth the extra, like, $5. 

Oh, and the kittens! OMG Kittens! 

Just go see it! It's looking to be one of the top 5 movies this weekend and her album is already well on it's way to become a Top 5 album on the Billboard Hot 100 next week! #Pow


  1. Each day, after reading watching her interviews and this article, I'm more convinced to watch the movie. I've never been a fan of her and used to consider her as an uber-overated pop star. Maybe this movie will change my opinion.

  2. It sounds like it might be a good documentary that I'd probably enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm still not a fan of Katy as a singer or songwriter or any of that stuff.

  3. It's obvious to me and others that this was directed and written to be Katy's "Truth or Dare". Any body paying attention to Katy will know what I mean.

    Is she genuine? Without seeing the film: yes.

  4. None of those are good enough reasons for me to spend $12 on a movie ticket to see scripted scenes of her "life".

  5. It made me see how fake and little believable Katy Perry was. Different perspectives, I guess.

  6. "but the shows visuals beat out the Femme Fatale Tour "

    NOT TRUE Femme Fatale Tour is way better

  7. I've seen the movie three times already. I was a huge fan of her before but the movie somehow intensified that. It drops you down to her level, it shows you how much hard work it took. I think you're right, a lot of people thing that she was a pretty girl that stumbled into a studio and capitalized, but she's literally been working at the career since she was 9. It took a lot a heart, passion, tears, individuality, courage, and bravery and you see all of that in this film. It's the most inspiring movie I've ever seen.




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